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Take a look at the Basement scenes below. You can add them to your project and continue on refining your search.

Carpeting for an Eclectic Basement

Deciding on your basement's decor theme doesn't have to be a one-way street. Merge your love for traditional, rustic and contemporary with our wide selection of eclectic carpet looks.

From popular low-pile to classic high nap, we've got a huge selection of types, textures, lengths and colors – not to mention water resistance, a popular choice for naturally moisture-risked spaces.

Make your subterranean space your special place!

Let Us Help You Find Your Flooring

Whether you're having a difficult time deciding on a classic theme or a modern motif for your basement, one thing is constant – comfort.

But there's no rule that you can't have all three, which is why our vast catalog of yesterday's vintage looks and today's sleek styles can combine to give you that cozy and welcoming design you want.

Pump a little personality in your game room, home gym, kids play space or home theater – whatever you turn your basement into – and let My Design Finder help you do it!